Edwin Powell Hubble's observations had revolutionized astronomy, not only did we realize there were other galaxies in the universe besides our own, we also were able to determine that if the universe was expanding outwards, it must have been coming from a central point, and that something must have caused that expansion to begin with, giving birth to the Big Bang Theory.
Edwin Hubble left Mount Wilson in 1942, determined help fight the Nazis in World War II; at first he wanted to join the armed forces as he had done during the first World War, but he realized he could do more for his country by offering his services as a scientist. In 1946, he was awarded the Medal of Merit, for exceptional conduct in providing outstanding services to citizens.
This was not the last of the honors bestowed upon Hubble, as in 1948, he was also elected Honorary Fellow of Queen’s College, Oxford, for his notable contributions to Astronomy.
After the war ended, Hubble resumed his work at Mount Wilson, where he had little trouble convincing his employers of the need for an even greater telescope than the current 100 inch reflector model, so they could further explore the universe outside our galaxy. Hubble was instrumental in the design of the Hale Telescope, which was set up at the Mount Palomar Observatory.
Edwin Hubble had the honor of being the first to use it.
When asked what he hoped to find with the new telescope by the BBC, Hubble replied "We hope to find something we hadn't expected."
Edwin Powell Hubble continued his work at both the Mount Wilson and Mount Palomar observatories until his death from from a cerebral thrombosis, on September 28, l953. He will forever be remembered as the father of observational cosmology and as a pioneer of the distant stars.